It’s easy to feel beat down and burned out right now. Education is tough these days. But instead of thinking of your transition as getting you away from something awful, try imagining all of the wonderful things you want to have in your life.

Have you always dreamed of travel? Do you love the idea of working from home with your pet cuddling on your lap? What about owning your own business and being your own boss? All of these things (and a lot more) are possible for you.So your first step is to daydream: think about what really matters in your life. What would your life look like if you had those things?

After you have done some daydreaming, pull out paper and pencil. Write down your vision of life, in as much detail as possible. (Include the ability to just stand up and walk to the bathroom whenever the heck you want to!) The more detail you can include, the more you will feel the excitement of running toward this vision.

Dreams into reality

On a practical note, if you are undecided about what your next career might look like, this will also help you to determine what you are most drawn to. If you envision yourself working in your own back yard as you sip lemonade on a lovely summer day, you might realize that remote work is your ideal.

On the other hand, if you are dreaming more about the excitement of meeting new challenges and solving problems, maybe life as an entrepreneur is more your speed.

And what if you are just wondering if you can retire yet? Your writing can give you important clues as to what retirement means for you. Is it traveling to distant lands, visiting grandkids more often, or just having a job that doesn’t suck your soul dry?

So if you are considering leaving the classroom, whether you want to get out yesterday, or in a few years, few things will help you more than having a clear vision for what you want your next act to look like.

If you are considering leaving education, you know it is more than a job change. For many of us, it can bring feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and even guilt. Whether you want to work from home, start a business, change careers, or stay active while you enjoy your retirement, read on for tools, tips, and teacher wisdom to help you find the keys to your next adventure.