Jun 24, 2022 | Job search, Leave teaching, Uncategorized
A few weeks ago, I wrote about crafting an escape plan, but as I looked over it, I realized it was a bird’s-eye-view kind of post. Good info, but very “big picture.” Today, we’re going to focus more on the details of getting out of teaching and into another career.
Do your research
Once you have figured out what job titles you are interested in, research what qualifications companies are listing for that position. (Quick reminder: You do NOT need to have 100% of the qualifications to apply. Many people advise that you apply if you possess 60-70% of the desired “required” qualification.”) Often, you’ll see skills that you already have, but that don’t show up in your resume, partly because it just comes so naturally to you.
Look, I know teachers can design curriculum, and you know teacher can design curriculum. But sometimes there’s got to be a line on your resume that states you can design curriculum. So as Natalie Merchant says, “Hey, give ‘em what they want.”
You have a couple of options here. First, you can re-work your resume to make those skills more obvious. For example, add a line that states, “Designed and implemented a complete physical education curriculum for grades 1-6, with a focus on age-appropriate activities and reinforcing and re-entered previously-acquired skills.” Obviously, you’ll need to tailor it to your specific situation, but ensure that the words “design curriculum” are on the resume.
Second, you can fill that gap with volunteer, contract, or part-time work. For example, if you keep seeing “supervisory experience” as a required qualification, you can either make it clear that in supervising your classroom you demonstrated the necessary skills: providing feedback, monitoring progress, assessing work, etc. Or, you could ensure that summer and volunteer activities include a supervisory component. Which brings us to our next point.
Build your resume and make $$
When I am considering which job postings to share in my weekly newsletter, I love to include contract or part-time opportunities that provide a specific job title. If you want to go into corporate training, your resume will look stronger if you have at least some experience teaching adult learners. Volunteer work counts, but if you can build the emergency fund up a bit WHILE you are building your resume, that’s even better, IMO.
And in case you are thinking, “How can I even consider doing anything outside of what is required at school? I can barely manage now!” I understand. Keep reading.
Limit your teaching hours
This one is tough for so many of us, but I just keep hammering on it. You are paid to do a job. Do the job. Then stop. If they require more, respectfully list the items on your to-do list that THEY are requiring, and ask which you should de-prioritize.
For decades, teachers have sacrificed their personal time to create engaging lessons (that are often not appreciated), provide meaningful feedback (which recent studies show doesn’t significantly improve student outcomes) and do all sorts of “above and beyond” work. I was cool with that for a while, but when the commitment is all going one direction (from teachers to the system) and never the other way, it becomes an unhealthy relationship. Start distancing yourself now. Do your job, and protect your personal time.
Be open to pivots
I have now started 3 different businesses. One of the maxims of the small business community is “You don’t have to get it RIGHT; you just have to get it GOING.”
In other words, no matter how much research you do, there are certain things you can learn only by taking action. For example, I originally thought I wanted to run Classroom to Home 5 days a week and quit teaching. But I realized that I missed teaching horribly, and wasn’t as happy when I sat in front of a computer all day. Even though I love this blog/business, I still need time in front of a classroom to be truly happy. There is no amount of research that would have told me that, because I could only learn that by trying it.
You may be convinced that you want to be a corporate trainer or a real estate agent, only to realize once you get into that position that it isn’t what you thought it would be. That doesn’t mean you made a mistake. It means you learned something. As Chandler from Friends says, “PIVOT!!!!!!” And don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s 100% part of the process.
Network in person and online
Get in touch with people you haven’t talked to in a long time. No, I don’t mean in a creepy way, as if you are selling something. But all those people that you have been thinking, “Wow, I miss so-and-so. I need to shoot them an email,” and then you get busy and don’t. Well, do!
Ask them how they are. Remind them of a memory you have together. But again, do it because you genuinely like and miss them, not because you want to gain something.
I once interviewed with a woman that I really clicked with. Unfortunately, because of a change in my personal situation, I had to turn down the job offer when it turned out I would not be moving to that city after all. But during the next 3-4 years, I would drop her a quick line every year or so when something in my classroom made me think of her. By chance, I DID move there a few years later, and she had a position open. Martha Finneran was one of my best bosses ever, and even became a dear personal friend. Come to think of it, I need to give her a call!
Believe in yourself
I am currently listening to Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, who I just adore BTW. If you ever need a pick-me-up, you’ve got to check her out! One of the things she hammers home is “The Magic of Belief” which also happens to be the title of chapter 3. And I am 100% with her on this one.
As teachers, we see this all the time in our kids. There are some who just don’t believe they will ever be any good at ________ (math, writing, art, sports, whatever!). And as a teacher, it is really hard to help them with the skills until they have the belief that they can do it.
Guess what! We are the same way.
But overcoming those negative perceptions of ourselves is harder for some people than for others. I am an adoptive mom, and I know that early experiences can make it super hard for some people to trust themselves – to believe that they are good and capable and worthy. But I’m going to tell you right now that I believe so much in you! Honestly, even though I don’t know you. Because I have never met anyone who didn’t have a superpower, and I know you do, too.
Here is a trick that helped me when I was struggling so much with my self-image. I decided what I “wanted” to be that I didn’t believe I was. Then, as I was falling asleep every night, I told myself again and again that I was that. For example, I might repeat to myself, “I am a patient and intuitive mom who trusts herself and her children.” Or, “I am an excellent test-taker. I just seem to get all of the answers right.” One simple sentence, and I would repeat it 100 times.
It sounds so goofy, but your brain doesn’t know the difference between these manufactured thoughts and your “real” thoughts about your abilities. Every single time I do this, within about a week, I notice a change in my confidence level.
So whether you are looking to change careers ASAP or 5 years from now, you will feel better and get farther by implementing these strategies. What do you think? Did I miss any? Let me know!
All the best,
May 20, 2022 | Job search, Leave teaching
(And one myth you should leave behind forever!)
OK, let’s get real. The last couple of years have been hard for most people, but they have been absolutely brutal for teachers. In other words, a lot of teachers who never thought they would be leaving are suddenly staring a job search in the face.
That can be more than a little anxiety-inducing (as if any teacher needs more anxiety at the moment!!). Especially if you haven’t applied for jobs for years or perhaps never imagined applying for jobs outside of education.
There are so. many. options. Ed-related or new career? Remote or in-person? Full time or part time?
If you are feeling intimidated or even paralyzed, here are 5 questions to help you cut through the overwhelm and focus on positions that are the best fit for you.
What’s my timeline?
When I coach teachers who want to get out of teaching, this is one of the first questions I ask. You don’t need to be exact, but you do need to know whether you are thinking in weeks, months, or years.
If teaching is causing you unmanageable anxiety or serious health issues, you need to get out ASAP. So the priority is going to be finding a job that can reduce your stress and still meet your needs financially.
On the other hand, if you are feeling a vague sense that this isn’t the right career for you long-term, but you still enjoy teaching and want to give it a few more years, that’s a very different situation. You have time to explore your options. Maybe try on different part-time jobs to build your resume and see what you enjoy.
What are my financial needs?
Let’s face it. Most of us work because we want to get paid. So, a big question is “How much money do I need to make short-term and long-term?” You might be able to struggle along for a while on a low salary, but doing it for years can put your retirement at risk. (Going back to question #1, if your mental or physical health is at stake, you are mainly looking for something to get you through a year or so – maybe only several months – until you can recover a bit, so don’t stress too much about long-term if that sounds like you.)
Money details aren’t fun most of the time, but if you are applying for jobs, it’s essential to know how much you need to bring in. You don’t want to eliminate a potential dream job because you “think” you can’t take a pay cut. By the same token, you don’t want to accept a position and then realize you just aren’t earning enough.
Lucky for you, money stuff is my JAM! Yes, I am a dork, but I LOVE it!
If you aren’t sure how much you actually NEED to earn to pay your bills each month, that is our first step. Go through your bank and credit card statements and figure out how much you spend each month for essentials like mortgage, student loan payments, car payment, credit card payments, gas, food, and utilities. Then take another look through and see what recurring charges you have that aren’t essential, but you don’t want to part with, either. Think Netflix, a budget for clothes and treats.
If you’d like to do this WHILE cutting your expenses (and not give up anything you enjoy!) check out the 5-Day Found Money Challenge. It’ll walk you through getting a handle on your finances one easy step at a time, AND help you find extra money you might not even have known you were spending!
Once you know what is going out every month, you know how much you need to bring home. This can be complicated, but fear not! The Money Master Spreadsheet is a ready-to go spreadsheet to help teachers figure out how various money scenarios work out. Just plug in your numbers and then fiddle with them all you want.
Where do I want to be 5 years from now?
I am a huge fan of the 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year plans, but if that is a bit much at the moment, just focus on 5 years. The great thing about the 5-year plan is that you can accomplish a lot in 5 years, but it isn’t so far away that it’s hard to envision.
I recommend that you either write or record this part. Imagine yourself at your dream job 5 years in the future. Now describe it in as much detail as possible. Start with the situation. Do you work alone or with others? In an office or from home? Set hours or variable schedule? Predictable tasks or always something new? Are you given lots of direction and structure, or do you figure out next steps on your own?
Next, think about the content of the job. Are there any things you do now that you want to be a part of your new job? For example, if planning lessons lights you up, include that. Are there talents you have always wanted to develop that you didn’t really get to focus on while teaching? I’ve always loved writing, and I’m so happy that my side-gig allows me to write every day.
Jot it down or talk it out into a voice recorder so you can come back to it in the future. However, just reflecting on what would make you most happy will give you some amazing insights when you are scrolling through job postings.
What gives my life meaning?
An infographic I came across recently defined meaning as either purpose or passion. What’s the difference? Well, they defined passion as more about developing your own potential (“I want to use my talent to create great art/music/literature.”) while purpose is more about making a difference for others (“I want to help kids/stop climate change/save the whales.”)
Of course, for most of us, it is a mix of both. I am passionate about creating learning experiences that move students forward and engage them. But I also feel great purpose in helping create a more just and equitable world and alleviating suffering.
Give some thought to how purpose and passion each add to the richness of your own life and how you would want to apply it in your career. Whether you are looking to pursue a passion, a purpose, or a little of both, you will be happier if your job has meaning for you, so give it some thought.
If this is a particularly important part of who you are, you might want to check out idealist.org to get an idea of the options that are available in the non-profit sector.
What are my personal preferences?
This probably falls into the “nice to have” not the “essential to have” category, but having moved to Norway a few years ago, I can tell you that we Americans really don’t take quality of life issues seriously enough.
I recently shared with a Norwegian friend how much I love getting up at 5:50 since in the US, I used to have to get up at 4:30 to get to school on time. (Three kids. Nuff said.) She about fell over. She couldn’t imagine a situation where getting up at 4:30 is OK long term. Granted, she isn’t a morning person and I am, but 4:30 was pushing it a lot, even for me.
If you are changing careers, you really owe it to yourself to take your own preferences into account. Like, seriously! Think about how absolutely lovely it is to get to go to the bathroom whenever you feel like it during the summer. Ah, bliss! Now imagine how much better your overall life satisfaction would be if you had just a couple more details that really made you happy every day.
Well, there you have it, folks. 5 questions you should ask yourself to cut through the overwhelm and decide what jobs you might want to apply for. But I promised you something more. 1 myth you should leave behind forever. And here it is (drumroll, please!):
Myth: Only apply for jobs that you are “qualified for.”
There is a theory that women take the “requirements” for a job much more literally than men. By some estimates, many women won’t apply for a job unless they meet almost all of the listed “requirements,” while men often apply for a job if they have 2/3 or so.
Now, I am NOT advocating that you go out and apply for jobs that you clearly don’t have the qualifications for. (Most of us are not qualified to do brain surgery or fly a plane!) However, I am going to encourage you to look at those “requirements” more as “suggestions.” A lot of more inclusive employers are even stating that they want people to apply if they match most of the qualifications because they want a larger variety of possible applicants.
Now, this does mean that you might get more rejections, because after all, you are going to be applying for “stretch” positions – positions you could do well with a few months’ experience, but which would take a bit of growth. But I also think you are a lot more likely to find a position you love, and where you are seen as a whole person, and not just a set of skills.
Do you have a question that helps you decide which jobs to pursue? Comment below!
All the best,