
You are taking the first step to overcome the obstacles standing in your way. Whether it is not knowing what jobs would be a good match for your skills and experiences, not knowing what job titles to search for, or being unsure about how to update your resume and conduct a job search, we’ll tackle it together.

One of the big challenges teachers face when they consider leaving is not knowing what they want to do or what jobs to apply for. It can be hard when you’ve been teaching for year, or when it is the only thing you ever really wanted to do. But you’ve got this.

The first step is knowing yourself, reconnecting with yourself outside of your identity as a teacher. So take a few minutes and think about who you are, what you’re good at, and the patterns that emerge. To help you, here are three guided reflections, with audio instruction and printable organizer.

In a few days, I’ll send some next steps to help you apply what you discover.

Audio explanation of Guided Reflection 1 “Identity List”
Audio Explanation of Guided Reflection 2 “Identity Pie”
Audio Explanation of Guided Refleciton 3 “Patterns”