Pricing, part 1: Can high price mean better value?

Women are expected to be more helpful

Pricing is an issue that many of us struggle with as we start a business or create a side income. As women, we are conditioned by society to be more communal than men are.  Now before you get mad at me, I am basing this not on my own opinions, but on studies of how women are perceived in the workplace. Generally, co-workers are more likely to ask help from women. They are also more likely to be offended if that assistance is not forthcoming.

This can create problems in our own brains. Because our culture often expects us to just “pitch in” without a thought for ourselves, or the inconvenience it may cause us, women often have trouble valuing ourselves at our true worth. While men tend to be confident that their services are worth a premium price, women often second-guess themselves. It can make us uncomfortable charging for our services, especially if we are pricing them at the upper end of the spectrum.

I tell you this for several reasons. First, because being aware of the problem is an important step in overcoming it. Second, because we need to address how we are actually serving people when we charge money for what we do. And third, because if you are going to provide a high-quality, premium service (which I assume you are), you deserve to charge a premium price. To do less is to short-change yourself and your family. Since this is a pretty important point, and since I tend to be wordy, I’m going to break this down into three separate posts. Today, we’ll cover how we serve people better when we charge a premium price.

Price Influences Value

Two years ago, I invested in a class on how to make an income by creating and selling online courses. And when I say invested, I mean it was a big decision – over 2 weeks’ take home pay for me. I went through the course. I followed the course. It didn’t work. I adjusted and started over again. Still, no luck.  Meanwhile, in the Facebook group, people are talking about their successes. How they created a course, tested it, and are earning money teaching people about something they love. I cringe and start over – again!

So why am I still trying instead of throwing in the towel? First, because I know for sure it can be done and I know for sure I can do it, even if it takes multiple attempts. Second, (and this is probably the real reason) because I just flat refuse to lose that kind of money. If I stop trying, it becomes a “waste of money” not an “investment,” and I am too stubborn to let that happen. Paying a high price made this course matter to me, and in the long run, it is more likely to make me successful.

Another example is a treatment we chose for my son’s ADHD when we wanted to get him off his medication. Its effectiveness was backed by multiple studies. Unfortunately, it wasn’t covered by insurance, and each session cost $100 AND it worked best when appointments were at least once a week.

Well, you’d better believe I didn’t miss any sessions, nor was I late unless something major happened.  Also, we changed our lives to make it a priority, even taking our son out of school early a couple of days a week, which doesn’t happen lightly in our family. (In case you’re wondering, yes, it did help and we’re thankful we did it.) Would I have taken it as seriously if sessions cost only $25? I hate to admit it, but I don’t think so. Consequently, it probably would have been a lot less effective and my son would have missed out on its benefits.

In both of these cases, pricing the service at a premium may have actually improved its benefits.

It won’t happen overnight

Learning to value yourself and your skills probably isn’t going to happen overnight, because this is truly a paradigm shift. If you, like me, have spent a large portion of your life looking for bargains, it’s hard to change that and start thinking that setting a low price isn’t necessarily doing your customers a favor. But I want you to start trying.

Examine your beliefs about what is “fair pricing,” and what truly constitutes value. When we are talking about services, the customer’s perception of its value, and thus its importance, sometimes has even more impact on their success than the service itself. Is it a better value for a person to spend $100 and get an outstanding service that they prioritize, or to spend $10 and get the same product, but not the benefit from it because they don’t value it?

What do you think? Do you have an example of a time when a pricing a product or service higher actually benefitted the customer more or when a low price prevented you from appreciating a product or service? You’ve read my take. What’s yours?

Good, Bad, Ugly Part 1

Good, Bad, Ugly Part 1

Well, I wasn’t actually expecting to write this blog about launching an online startup business. When I sold/transferred my preschool teaching business about a year ago, I thought I was done for a while. But that’s not the way it seems to be turning out.

Saying goodbye to Startup #1

So why did I sell it? A couple of reasons. First, I was once again teaching full time, and in a totally new subject area. I had never taught English Language Learners and although I had a strong base in understanding language acquisition, I was pretty much starting from scratch as far as materials and such and didn’t have any spare time.

Second, I had realized that my Spanish preschool startup business wasn’t going to serve the needs of my family long term. My husband and I had been talking about spending some time living overseas, and a preschool language business just wasn’t going to fit into that plan.

A New Startup

So I started exploring online options. I tried giving French classes online, and I loved it. But it was a pretty big stress on my family for me to be online and totally uninterrupted at a specific time each week. We’re a hot mess around here, and that just wasn’t working for us. Plus, a lot of my students had the same trouble. Their schedules changed from week to week, so they missed a lot of classes.

I kept thinking if I could only pre-record classes and set it up so they could do it on their own schedule, that would be ideal. I just didn’t know how to do it without making it deadly dull. I mean, it’s my sparkling personality that brings my classes to life, right? OK, well, maybe that’s an overstatement. But things just aren’t as interesting when the instructor can’t react to the student in real time. What to do?

Finally, I figured out a way to use video clips with my voice narrating them. Because a lot of the videos I use in my classroom have a twist or a surprise at the end, I felt like that would compensate for not having the personal interaction. But there was the issue of copyright infringement. I couldn’t use a lot of the videos without permission from the creator. I pondered that for a week or two, and finally found a solution (or a couple of work-arounds, actually) that will allow me to start on the class until I can get it 100% figured out.

So now, I’m working my way through a course I bought about 2 years ago. Here’s a shout out to Amy Porterfield, who is absolutely my hero in creating the course. So far, it’s been a breeze thanks to her amazing step-by-step system. Check out her page here. She’s also got a kick butt podcast, which I’ve mentioned before. It’s taking me step-by-step through the process of building my own course from the ground up.

The Startup Plan

At this point, my plan is to offer a free four-week class. This will allow people to see whether the format works for them, and also help me to see what folks like and what they don’t. The free class will remain available as a lead magnet. In other words, in order to get the free class, you have to submit your e-mail address. This serves two purposes, as I’m sure you know. First, it allows me to get subscribers the course information. Second, it allow me to start building my e-mail list.

Once we’ve gone through the free class, I’ll have another class ready for people who want to continue. Pricing and a lot of things are still in the air, but I’m unbelievably excited about this. I miss teaching French SO MUCH! And as I was sitting around planning the free course this morning, and working on content, I was just so incredibly psyched about how much my students are going to get out of this course. Even if they never pay me a cent, I want this course to be a huge value in their lives and allow them to learn things they wouldn’t otherwise.

Why I’m sharing it

So here’s why I’m sharing. When I read blogs, it really inspires me to see people who have shared their journey from the beginning – the good, the bad, and the ugly. One of my favorite blogs was The Simple Dollar,a blog in which the author shared his story of going from drowning in debt to being 100% debt-free. It really inspired me by showing how small, consistent steps can totally change a person’s situation. Plus, I just like seeing people succeed, so reading it always made me feel uplifted.

My plan is to let you all take this journey with me if you want. Every two months I’ll publish an income statement with real numbers to let you see what kind of progress (if any!?!) I’m making. If you know me at all, you know I’m pretty transparent. I’m not overly afraid to share my failures as well as my triumphs. So this is my chance to start at the beginning and allow any of you who want, to come along for the ride.

Let’s go. We’ve got this!


Pricing, part 3: Make sure that perceived value exceeds cost

Pricing, part 3: Make sure that perceived value exceeds cost

Not a contradiction, just a paradox

So, if you’ve already read Pricing, part 1: Can a Higher Price mean Better Value? and Pricing, part 2: You Deserve to Make Money for your Work – Good Money, you might think this is a total contradiction. However, like many things in life, it is part of a truth that can’t be summarized in a 30-second sound byte. Yes, higher price can mean better value. Yes, you deserve to earn great money for your expertise and skills. But your business will only be successful if your clients believe that the value you provide to them exceeds the amount you are paying them. That’s why if you want to have a wildly successful class or business or product or WHATEVER, you need to be besties with perceived value.

Perceived value

The first thing we need to talk about here is perceived value. The actual value of your product or service DOES NOT MATTER. Yes. you heard me right. The actual value of whatever you provide has little to no bearing on your success. It is the value your client perceives that matters. If you have a winning lottery ticket that can be immediately cashed in for $2 million, and you offer to sell someone a 50% interest in it for $50, that is a GREAT value. However, if they believe that it is a forged ticket, they aren’t going to buy it. Their perceived value of the ticket is less than what you are charging.

Here is another example. Last week, I listed our family’s beloved, but beat-up, Volvo Station Wagon on Craigslist. I was asking $600 for it since it had several mechanical problems and over 220K miles on it. I was completely honest, sharing pictures of its distressed paint and admitting that it was going to need some work, but that it did run. However, I knew the price was fair, since it also had almost new tires, and would bring almost $500 if it were sold just for the tires and the scrap value.

Several people contacted me and said, “I’ll give you $200 cash” or “It’s worth $400, I’ll pay you today if you’ll take it.” However, I was also contacted by a guy who loved Volvo as a brand and had a Volvo with a busted engine sitting in his driveway. He looked at the car on Monday, said he’d pick it up the next morning for full price, and even reminded me that if I changed my mind overnight he’d understand. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did change your mind,” he said. “It’s worth more than that.” We assured him that a deal was a deal, and the next morning, he gladly paid the $600.

That buyer got more value than he paid for, but other people definitely thought I had overpriced the car. Perceived value is tricky like that. Like beauty, perceived value is in the eye of the beholder.

Perceived value is a huge topic, so there will be future posts coming on ways to increase it. However, there are basically two ways to ensure that the value you are offering your clients is greater than the price they are paying you. The first is to increase what they believe your product or service is worth. The second is to provide the same value for a lower price.

Increase what they believe the service is worth

Now, you are going to provide a high-quality product. You know it and I know it. So that is not the issue. The issue is to ensure that your potential customers know it is a high-quality product.

There are several ways to do this, but maybe the most effective long-term is education. When I started my Spanish classes for children, I had a big drop in enrollment after the first month. The students weren’t going home and spouting Spanish to their parents, so the parents thought the kids weren’t learning. They didn’t realize that you understand much, much more than you can produce. Nor did they understand that by learning to truly understand the language, instead of memorizing vocabulary lists, their kids were building a foundation to be able to actually communicate in Spanish.

What I had to do was educate them on the value they were actually receiving. So I started sending out short e-mails every week or two explaining why my methods were so effective long term, the benefits of learning a second language, and how to help their child at home, even if they didn’t speak Spanish. They also received almost-weekly updates on their specific child’s class, including what songs we sang, which books we read, and what games we played. After that, my retention shot up to near 100%. I didn’t change my actual product, I just educated them so they would realize its true value.

Provide greater perceived value

Sometimes, you can figure out ways to provide greater value without too much more work or cost on your side. For example, when I started my Spanish classes, I set up a website where I included information on language learning, links to Youtube videos of the songs we were singing and the stories we were reading in class, and tips on how parents could optimize their child’s learning. This can be done relatively inexpensively, but it creates tremendous value for the parent. They can simply look up the website and sing the songs with their child, even if they don’t know Spanish. It allows them to participate in their child’s learning, which greatly increases the perceived value.

Perceived value of e-book versus online course

Another example of this is an online course versus an e-book. E-books have a very low perceived value, no matter how useful or valuable the information really is. However, if you take that same content and package it as an online course, people will gladly pay a much higher price.

Now, I’m not talking about scamming people. Remember what we said in Pricing, part 1? Charging a higher price can actually cause your client to take action because the product has a greater perceived value to them.

Let’s imagine that you have information that will literally save a person $20,000 over the course of their life. You can either package it in an e-book for $3.95 or in an online course for $395.00.

I can absolutely imagine someone buying an e-book for $3.95 and NEVER reading it. They would miss out on the information they wanted simply because they didn’t prioritize reading it. Or maybe they don’t like reading and just keep putting it off. They have wasted that money. Much worse, they have missed out on a chance to be $20,000 richer because of the information they didn’t read.

However, imagine if that person purchased that same information in the form of an online course priced at $395 and studied and implemented every lesson. They would have received massive value from that online course, even though it was priced at 100 times more than the e-book. Granted, this is an extreme example, but it happens literally every day. The takeaway here is that you can increase the perceived value of your product in a lot of ways. Your primary job, though, is to have your customer leave feeling like you gave them a heck of a lot more value than you charged them for by providing an outstanding product at a price that is fair to both you and to them.

Provide the same value for lower cost

Question: Is the value you receive approximately the same whether your child has a one-on-one class or is in a group of 5-6? I would say yes. In some cases, the value might even increase in classes because it’s more fun to learn with your friends, right?

This is why I almost refuse to do private tutoring. My clients receive much greater value (and I also increase my own earnings) by offering group classes. To be sure, I make sure the classes are small, so that our time is spent learning and not dealing with discipline issues. However, the kids really learn well in a group setting, so they aren’t sacrificing value. However, I can charge $12 per child and still make $60 per class. They are paying less, but they aren’t receiving less.

This is the same concept that many people are putting into practice online. I just finished a short course on how to design your own website. (By the way, do you like it? I thought the course was OUTSTANDING! If you want to set up your own website, see the end of this post for the link and information.)  Shannon offers pre-recorded classes that are value-packed. I loved her free class so much, I decided to sign up for her Serious Side-Hustlers subscription course because I know I’ll get unbelievable value from it.

However, she has already done the work by recording the lessons and posting them on her web site. She is providing me EXCELLENT value with no extra work because she figured out how to scale her business. What if she had to sit down with me individually (even online) and teach me step-by-step how to set up my website? It might be slightly more valuable to me since I could ask questions in real time. However, she’d have to charge me so much  that the value of her service would no longer exceed what I was paying for it. She has figured out how to charge less for basically the same value. She has scaled her services, just like I scale mine by doing group classes instead of individual classes.

Link and info for Shannon Mattern’s 5 Day Website Challenge

OK, I mentioned that I would share the link to the website class, so here it is. I can’t recommend it highly enough. And for the first 30 days, IT’S FREE!!!!!! Here’s the link to Shannon Mattern’s 5 Day Website Challenge. This is an affiliate link, so if you follow one of her paid programs I will receive a small commission. However, I ONLY endorse things that I have used and LOVE. And for anyone who knows me, I don’t do tech! So if she can teach me step-by-step how to set up every aspect of a website and all sorts of gobbledy-gook that I don’t understand, you know she is a tech teaching goddess!



Pricing, part 2: You deserve to earn money for your work – good money

Mediocre white man vs. Superstar woman – who has more confidence?

I’ve teased my husband that I’m going to buy a tee shirt that says “Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man.” Now, I’m totally NOT into stereotypes, so let me start by saying that I’ve got nothing against all white men. However, I’ve dated several guys (and had conversations with a ton more) who absolutely drove me crazy because they were sure that they were smarter, hotter, and more athletic than they actually were. In other words, they had a supersized opinion of their own abilities.

This is purely anecdotal, but I find the opposite to be true of most of the women I meet. (Again, both of these are generalizations, and there are lots of exceptions to the rule.) We often downplay our successes, second-guess our ideas, and allow criticism of our thoughts without defending them as vehemently as we could. The same goes for our products. I’ve talked to a lot of women who say, “But I can’t charge that.” “Who would pay me that?” or the ever-popular, “I’m doing what I love, so I don’t need to charge that much.” Hold on right there, sister. If you are providing a quality product or service, you deserve to make money. It’s not selfish; it’s capitalism.

Take my money – PLEASE

So let me give you an example. Our family went through a really dark time a few years ago when one of our kids started having some serious behavioral problems. It was bad. I actually remember thinking, “Oh, my God. We have got to get help. I don’t want to be on the evening news in a few years because my child has gotten a gun and shot me, but that’s the direction we’re headed.” I was more scared and panicked than I had ever even imagined being.

Enter our therapist. She specialized in the issue our child was having. Suddenly, I was thinking, “This woman MUST spy on us. She knows what’s going on as if she watched our family every night.” She gave us hope and taught us how to deal with the issue. She didn’t solve every problem and we still have challenging days, but it’s nothing, NOTHING like it was before.

We have a normal family life again, and I owe it all to her. Do you think I care about her fee? Hell, no. She gave me my family back. I would have sold everything I owned and still considered it a bargain. As a matter of fact, we have even paid for an initial session for several of our friends who were facing serious family struggles, all of whom have continued to work with her. Why? Because she is worth it! She delivers on what we needed and so much more.

Now if you called her an expert, she would probably laugh in your face. She doesn’t see herself as an expert, but she is. She is providing a service that is well worth her fee, and if you provide an excellent service, you should, too.

People are paying you to solve a problem

“But I’m not saving someone’s family. I’m just ___________ (fill in the blank). That’s different,” you say. Yes and no. Are you filling a real need? Are you going to solve a problem, a real, burning problem? Then let people pay you to solve a problem.

I teach enrichment language classes in preschools. I’m not saving someone’s family, but I do solve a problem for parents who know that learning a language is easiest and most effective during the preschool years. I also use a method that is tremendously more effective than most preschool language classes. And I provide lessons at the child’s preschool, so parents don’t have to schlep their child somewhere in the few precious evening hours they have together. I provide a real service, and I charge for it. If I don’t make at least $50 per 30-minute class (I often have multiple students in each class), then I don’t do it.

When I focus on solving problems for my clients, it gets easier for me to charge what I’m worth. Now, please realize, that I always make sure I’m providing value for clients that exceeds my price (more on that in another post), but I don’t get the guilties when I see it from their point of view. They have a problem. They need a solution. They will be happy – thrilled, even – if I solve that problem for them, and if I’m really making their lives better, then I deserve to make money for my skills, for my investment, for my abilities. If they could do it for themselves, maybe they would. But they don’t have the expertise/product that I do. And I’m going to save them time, or money, or frustration. I’m helping them. And for that, they pay me.

Your Turn

It’s pretty rare that I assign exercises, but this time I’m going to. If you provide a service or product, spend 5-10 minutes thinking about what problem you solve for your customers. Why would someone want what you have? There’s got to be a pain there, a fear, a worry. What is that? Now, how do you solve that problem for them? Write it down, and then ask yourself this question: what would you pay for someone to solve that problem FOR you in the way that YOU solve it?

Do you sell make-up? What problem is the make-up solving? Well, it depends on the customer. You’re solving very different problems for a 22-year-old and 65-year-old. For a 22-year-old, you might be helping her look professional, so she feels more at ease in her job. You might be helping her feel beautiful at a party. For a 65-year-old, you might be helping her feel like she used to feel. You might be helping her see those rosy cheeks that she used to have. Now, what would you be willing to pay to feel beautiful? What would you pay to see yourself as you looked 10 years ago? That’s a very different price than what you’d pay for make-up.

Please, if you have trouble charging what you’re worth, complete this exercise. Write it down. Don’t just do it in your head. Thoughts become more powerful, more real when we write them down. Good luck!


Crazy Awesome Side Job Ideas that Earn Lots of Extra Money (and you’ve probably never heard of)

Crazy Awesome Side Job Ideas that Earn Lots of Extra Money (and you’ve probably never heard of)

Have you ever noticed that when you start looking at new cars, or maybe buy one, it seems as if that you notice that same make and model everywhere. Suddenly the roads and parking lots are filled with Camries, or Volvo station wagons, or Odysseys. You just can’t believe how many there are. There were never that many of them before, were there?

Actually, there were. This is explained by something psychologists call “selective attention.” It basically means that your brain filters out the majority of stimuli so it can focus on what is important. Once you’ve chosen a specific model of car, or you have recently bought one, that becomes “important” and your brain takes notice of it.

So what does that have to do with transitioning out of teaching or starting your own business? The possibilities for making money on the side – or creating a business to support you and your family – are limited by only one thing : your mind. As you start focusing more on moneymaking ideas, you will train your brain to see them, and train your brain to look at your skills from a new perspective. Things that you never would have considered before will make you think, “I wonder if…” And that ‘s a great thing, because people have made successful businesses by using an amazing range of skills and ideas. Let me give you a few examples that I never would have thought of, but that have been built into successful businesses. 

Karate Kids

Olivia Roney was putting herself through college when the karate school she worked for bounced a couple of her paychecks. Since she was paying her own way, she knew she had to fix the situation – and FAST. So she started contacting daycares and preschools and offering to teach on-site enrichment classes. She found one, and grew from there. Today, Couching Tigers is offering karate classes in almost 100 locations in Indiana, as well as licensing its curriculum. Her programs now include character development and have touched the lives of thousands of children. What’s more, her eyes light up when she talks about her company.

How you can make this side job work

So you don’t know karate and you don’t like preschoolers? How could this idea work for you? I don’t know karate, either, but for about 4 years, I taught Spanish and French to both adults and preschoolers as a side job/micro-business. Preschools were definitely my biggest and most reliable locations, but I also taught adults at wineries and after-school caregivers as a professional development option.

Is there something you love to teach that others would pay you for? Art? Soccer? Computer skills? Knitting? Vegan cooking? Couponing? (No joke, a lady in my hometown was advertising couponing classes and a lot of people seemed interested.) How about pet training?

The point is that if you have a skill that others want to learn and you can find a way to share it, you can earn great money per hour AND have fun at the same time. Cause let me tell you, teaching French at wineries to people who actually WANT to learn it?!? That is a French-teacher dream come true. For more ideas on locations, check out the blog post I wrote for The Comprehensible Classroom or for Fluency Matters. And if you want details on my Spanish classes, here are some posts on switching to preschoolers from older kids, pricing (part 1, part 2 and part 3), and tips for getting started.

Teaching French at a Winery

This is one I have done personally, and you want to talk crazy AWESOME! This is it. I’ve taught French for over 15 years in high school, but teaching French to adults who actually want to learn it at a winery and having them pay you? Trust me, it doesn’t get much better than that!

“But I don’t speak French,” you say. Well, the same winery where I taught French offered a ton of other fun stuff to get customers in during off-peak times. Tuesday? Henna tattoos. Wednesday? 10-minute chair massages. Another night it was tarot card readings. Each of us partnered with the winery to provide our service. The winery generously swiped payments through their system, and then cut a check. We had no overhead and the winery had an ever-changing line-up of attractions with no up-front cost. They just passed through the payments to us.

How you can make this side job work

Get creative. Do you have a trendy or unusual skill? Find a winery that offers fun activities, and see if they are interested in offering yours. You’re probably not going to be raking in the cash at first, but as you develop a clientele and they tell their friends, your numbers grow and it can be really lucrative.

Will Caricature for Cash $$$

When I heard of a woman who has created a side business around drawing caricatures, I knew I had to check it out. She was frustrated by her $8/hr job working for an amusement park as a caricature artist, so she decided to strike out on her own. Now she charges between $150 and $300/hr. drawing caricatures at weddings, corporate events, and other venues where people are looking for a unique and fun party favor.

After doing a little research, I found out there is actually a centralized web site where caricature artists can advertize. Who knew? You can check it out here. If you think you might be interested in being a caricature artist (or caricaturist, as they are actually called), face-painter, balloon animal creator, clown or other type of party entertainer, you can read the story of how Jeremy Drysdale started the Phoenix Caricature Company here.

How you can make this side job work

The point here is taking a common skill and niching it down. Maybe there are a ton of caterers in your town, but you just focus on selling your amazing frozen cookie dough. Maybe you do only vegan or gluten-free foods. Sometimes niching down and focusing on one tiny segment of the market actually sets you apart.

Cinderella Carriages and Horse-Drawn Wagons

A friend of mine since childhood (yep, we actually went to the junior prom together back the day!) supplements his yearly income to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a year by building horse-drawn wagons and carriages. He makes both really practical people movers for country-themed resort areas and fancy “Cinderella” carriages. He also offers carriage rides at weddings and other special events. He has welding and woodworking skills and has always had horses, so what started as a novel idea has become a large portion of their family’s income. Because of this extra income, his wife (who is a big part of the business) has been able to stay at home with their kids for the past several years. You can check out for some inspiration.  

How you can make this side job work

And this is the example of super niching down. As far as I know, Tony Boyle is one of the only people in the US who makes custom people movers. There were times he wasn’t getting a ton of orders, but he didn’t give up or offer to make other items. He just stuck with what he washing and trusted that he would built a following. last I heard, he had as much work as he wanted and even some names on his waiting list.

The last word

So there is a good chance that you don’t feel like welding and hammering together a wagon is part of your skill set. And you might not be someone that others would willingly pay for their art. (Lord knows I’m not!) It’s even conceivable that the idea of teaching karate to 3 year-olds makes you break out in hives. So why did I even mention these ideas if they will work for only a small fraction of people?

Well, there are two reasons. The first one goes back to the very first few paragraphs of the post. Hearing about the ways other people have created a side job – even with unusual skills – trains our brains to start thinking in that way. What could I do with my skill set, that I would really love doing, and would also make me some crazy awesome extra money?

The second reason is it shows us how to niche down. There are a ton of welders and woodworkers out there. But how many of them weld Cinderella carriages and horse-drawn wagons. Artists? A ton! But people who will come to your wedding reception, give your guests a truly one-of-a-kind favor, and have them asking, “Do you remember so-and-so’s wedding where we got those hilarious caricatures?’ for the next 20 years? Not too many of those! Tons of karate teachers, too. But ones who will come to your kids’ preschool so you don’t have to drive across town? Um, I think you get the picture, right.

Here are the two takeaways: get creative, and niche down. Oh, and one more thing: don’t dismiss ideas too quickly. Who would have known that horse-drawn wagons could be a viable home-based business? What’s your crazy awesome talent?

Do you want even more ideas for ways to make extra money? Check out my articles on indexing, pet-sitting, VIPKid, or other side hustle ideas.